Human Resources

HR France Update: Changes in Rules for the Portability of Insurance Benefits for Terminated Employees

Health Insurance

In France, employees whose employment is terminated by the company, except for reasons of gross misconduct, benefit from the portability of the death/disability and health insurance plans to which they were entitled as employees of the company. This entitlement is currently granted to persons who benefit from the government unemployment benefits and for a maximum […]

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HR Update France: Simplified procedure for social security coverage of employees on international business trips or short-term assignments

French Social Security for International Business Travelers

If an employee has a business trip or short term assignment (less than 3 months) outside of France, the employer should notify the social security office so that the employee remains covered under the French social security scheme during their assignment. If such trips or assignments are performed on a regular basis by an employee,

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HR France Update: Part-Time Employment Contracts

A recent French law has introduced major modifications in the statutory regime of part-time employment contracts.   I: What are these major changes? ==> All part-time contracts signed as from January 1st 2014 must provide for a minimum working time of 24 hours per week or the equivalent over the month. Only few exceptions to

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HR Update France: Mandatory Company Health Insurance

As from January 1st 2016, the implementation of a Company health insurance plan will become mandatory. Further to an important modification in French Law, all companies, whatever their size, will have to provide a health insurance plan to their employees. What is the extent of this obligation? A minimal coverage will be established by legal decree

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UPDATED: Syntec Global Working Day Clause Invalidated By French High Court

The French high court has recently invalidated the global working day clause (“forfait jours”) under the Syntec Collective Bargaining Agreement. The High court has been scrutinizing industry level agreements on global working days over the last few years and while some industry agreements have been confirmed, others have been invalidated, the latest being Syntec. The

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HR Update France: Contract Termination By Mutual Consent

Recent case law: The French high court has confirmed that the termination of an employment contract by mutual consent is possible, even if a dispute exists between the employer and the employee. In the framework of a mutual termination agreement called “rupture conventionnelle homologuée” the employer and the employee can decide to terminate their relation by

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French High Court Rules On Employee Evaluation Ranking By Quota

In a recent decision, the French high court ruled on the legality of employee evaluations with ranking by quotas. Q. How does the ranking by quota method work? A. This method consists in the classification of employees in categories according to imperative quotas fixed in advance. The method proposed by a Hewlett Packard France’s manager was

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