Update on the Workload Monitoring Interview for employees with a working time arrangement in days under the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the personnel of Technical Studies Offices, Consultant engineers Offices and Consulting Companies (SYNTEC)

As a reminder, an annual global working time arrangement in days is only available to employees meeting certain criteria, and its validity is subject to several strict conditions, such as the obligation for the employer to organize a meeting with the employee once a year to discuss his/her workload (which must be reasonable), the organization of his/her work, the work-life balance and remuneration.

Please refer to our previous newsletter here for additional details.

Up until 1 July 2024, companies covered by the collective agreement applicable to the personnel of Technical Studies Offices, Consultant engineers Offices and Consulting Companies (SYNTEC) were subject to  a reinforced obligation to arrange a second meeting during the year in addition to the sole annual meeting provided for by the law.

The representative unions in this sector have now signed an amendment to the collective agreement that reduces the employer’s obligations from two meetings per year to one , aligning the rules of the annual global working day arrangement in days with the provisions of the law.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you require assistance in developing a bilingual tool that you can use for complying with the Workload Monitoring Interview ‘s obligation.

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