The French legislator is in the process of finalizing a bill to end the exceptional regimes created to face the Covid-19 epidemic. Indeed, until now, the government could at any time initiate and decide on the continuation of sanitary measures to contain the epidemic.
In addition, these exceptional regimes contained measures designed to preserve the employees’ purchasing power or to maintain employment.
Hence we wish to summarize for you which measures are maintained and which have been cancelled, as of August 1st.
• Health measures applicable in the workplace
The government will no longer be able to reactivate the obligation to wear a mask and the health pass in places open to the public.
• Specific partial activity for vulnerable employees and those looking after their children who are subject to Covid-related isolation
The partial activity system with a compensation rate of 70% of the reference wage is discontinued for:
– vulnerable employees who cannot work from home;
– parents who have to look after their child following the closure of their school or childcare facility if the child is a contact case or unvaccinated.
• Additional sick leave benefit paid by the employer
The right to additional sick leave benefit paid by the employer for Covid-related sickness is terminated without a waiting period or seniority requirement.
• Partial activity
The extension of partial activity regime still applies to employees working in France for a foreign company without an office in France as well as to protected employees until 31st December 2022.
Part-time employees and temporary employees placed under partial activity will still benefit from a minimum monthly compensation until this date.
• Long-term partial activity
In the event of a long-lasting decrease in activity, companies have the possibility to have recourse to a company agreement or to decide unilaterally on the implementation of a long-term partial activity system before 31st December 2022.
• Apprenticeship contract and professionalization contract
– The one-time exceptional allowance for employers for contracts concluded since 1st July 2020 (5,000 or 8,000 euros depending on employee’s age) with a quota requirement for companies with at least 250 employees is maintained until 31st December 2022.
– The increase in the one-off apprenticeship allowance is also maintained.
– The same applies to aid for contracts concluded between 1st November 2021 and 31st December 2022 with long-term unemployed persons who are at least 30 years old.
• Social security benefits specific to Covid-19-related sick leave
Employees are entitled to daily social security benefits for Covid-related sick leave without a waiting period or minimum seniority requirements until 31st December 2022.
Should you have any questions, or or should you need assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.